• Please send stories as plain text in an email or attached as a MS Word document.
  • Unless you SPECIFICALLY STATE in the email that you want it removed you name email address will be used in the author box, as the author of the story. Removal of one will remove the other story will go down as “anonymous”.
  • Submitting a story to HunterKincaid.com grants HunterKincaid.com a license (see below) to display the story indefinitely. We will work with authors should they want their story removed.
  • Please email each submission to hello (@) hunterkincaid (dot) com and specify the title of the story and, if this is going to be an ongoing saga please give the chapter number.
  • Please submit one story at a time. If you’re a prolific writer maybe wait a week between submissions?
  • Stories are published in the order they are received and a maximum of one story a day. If you’re planning on submitting a long story with Chapters talk to us and we arrange a regular posting day/date
  • If you submit something don’t expect it be displayed instantly.
  • Once it’s been submitted it cannot be changed or editted. If you’ve made a massive error contact us to see what we can do.
  • ALL stories must have a sexual theme and be about people who identify as men having sex. HunterKincaid.com is all for equality, equity, fairness and freedom but this site is for people who identify as men. Gay, bi, trans men, MSM. You characters must identify as men/male. Solo session, couples, fantasies, celebrities, groups, whatever.
  • Any stories that involve sex with minors will not be published and the author permanently banned from submissions.
  • Any stories that involve celebrities must be preceded by a disclaimer that you do not know them and that it’s the imagination of the author. Try and convince me it’s it true and you’ll need absolute proof or I’ll just be laugh at you.
  • Any stories that involve illegal activity (banned substance use, necrophilia, bestiality) must come with a disclaimer that they author accepts and acknowledges that the activity described is illegal. Failure to do so will see the author permanently banned from submissions.
  • Hunter Kincaid and HunterKincaid.com reserves the right to remove stories and/or upload stories as and when they wish.
  • Submissions are accepted in any language. Anything not in English may take longer to upload while the story is checked to ensure it conforms to our submission guidelines.
  • Only submit a story if you’re the author or have written permission from the author to submit it – we will ask!
  • If you want to add images to your submission please email those with your story along with the proof of ownership or use form found here <- That’s a clickable link!
  • You story title and name (unless removed at your choice) may be posted on our various social media platforms including but not limited to: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We’re happy to work with to create a marketing campaign but please remember all the people who work at HunterKincaid.com do so on a volunteer basis. Us helping you is taking up our time so bear with us.
  • We don’t publish: Teasers or incomplete chapters. Audio or video submissions. Stories that don’t involve some form of sexual intimacy. Memoirs, journals or auto-biographies.
  • By submitting your story to HunterKincaid.com you grant us a royalty-free and non-cancellable license to post the article on the site and unrestricted permission to post excerpts.
  • As author you retain the copyright over your story. By this we mean if someone else copies it and posts it elsewhere it’s up to you to deal with it.
  • You may license your stories to other publishers, but that does not revoke the license granted to HunterKincaid.com.
  • If you want your story removed please put your request in writing via email with the title of the story and the date it was published. We will reply within 72hours acknowledging your request. If you do not get a reply we did not get your email. Allow us 28 days to remove your story.
  • Submit via email in plain text or as attached MS Word file. Anything not in that format will not be read acknowledge or posted. If you have a reason for sending it in a different format get in touch.
  • Please properly format and spell-check each submission. Use paragraphs!
  • Send only one story at a time. We will acknowledge receipt of the story and give you an idea of when it’ll be posted but may not be able to give you an exact date.
  • Do not send a cover letter as a separate email. We don’t want to have to try and match them up. Say what you need say in the email before your story.
  • If you’ve never written before why not check out any of these four sites for help:
    • https://soyouwanttowrite.org/blogs/syww/the-top-10-tips-for-writing-great-short-stories
    • https://jerryjenkins.com/how-to-write-short-stories/
    • https://blog.reedsy.com/guide/short-story/how-to-write-a-short-story/
    • https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-write-a-great-short-story-writing-tips-and-exercises-for-story-ideas
  • If you’re including dialogue in your story and haven’t before maybe check out these sites for some advice:
    • https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-format-dialogue-in-your-novel-or-short-story#how-to-format-dialogue-in-a-story
    • https://self-publishingschool.com/how-to-write-dialogue/
    • https://blog.reedsy.com/guide/how-to-write-dialogue/
    • https://jerichowriters.com/writing-dialogue/
  • REMEMBER: Your story will be open to the public. People pick up on the smallest error! – Trust me! I speak from first hand experience! Forrest is constantly pulling me up for errors I miss! It happens to everyone – Hunter K.
  • Stories involving celebrities must include a disclaimer that you made it up and you do not know any of the celebrities mentioned.
  • Stories about celebrities may not include stalking, threats against celebrities, or the death of celebrities or their friends or family members.
  • Stories involving fictional characters from television shows, movies, books, comic strips, etc. must include a statement stating that you do not own the copyright and/or trademark and also who does own said copyright/trademark.

Any questions contact us!